Well, the algae on a hook didn't work worth a hoot!

I took a #8 hook and loaded it down with algae I tried it suspended for awhile and also drug along the bottom. No nibbles, no bites.

Now the fun part. I put a Crappie bite on same hook thinking I might catch a Sunfish. First cast, as soon as bobber hit the water, under it went. Nice CC. I scratched my head cause that's the last thing I figured on catching with that small hook. I figured it was a fluke, put on another and same dadgum thing happened. Ok, now I have 2 nice CC in my basket. Mom said wait a minute, I'll be right back.

A few minutes later she has a handful of sliced frozen Okra we picked the other day. I wasn't expecting much, but bobber went skating across tank then under it went. Tried to set the hook, but missed. This happened several times and each time something got my bait. I changed tactics and only used a small portion of Okra and caught GSF one right after another until I got tired of catching them. When I got done fishing, I turned the CC loose cause I was too tired to clean them. I may never catch those 2 again according to what I've read. If that's the case, I'll have 2 smart fish in my tank. Haha. Don't you just hate an educated fish.

Oh btw, all the GSF were very small 3"to 4". I put them all back.

Last edited by farmallsc; 08/11/17 05:49 PM.