Ahhh yes the old DIY air system... Can't say much my first one was a bit sketchy as well... lol

And I got a lot of slack over it smile Specially my pump... a Eco 7 plus. A lot of folks out here used my system tho. And I can't tell you how many PM's I got on it asking for help. Remember them days guys..haha no one could believe I was pumping 8 foot with this pump but I was I got video for proof... and then some pumps same model would not pump past 6 feet so I got lucky with mine. At that time I used 9 inch fine bubble diffusers from what was then called diffuser express. They worked great for me and my setup at the time. I used this setup for almost 4 years, but and there is always a but, my ponds biomass at that time was pretty light then.

Fast Forward to now. I have since swapped out my pump with a Gast 0523 1/3hp pump. (Much better and stronger pump) and I have also replaced my diffusers with Vertex fusers. Much better diffuser! How do I know this well 2 reasons.

1. From everyone out here showing me the math and movement of the Vertex diffusers. From experts out here that do this for a living and absolutely know what there talking about.

2. And this one on my own. I could tell just by being in my boat next to the water boil my boat moves away much faster now. The boil isn't that big but dang the water movement is crazy!!

Does that mean my fist setup sucked and wasn't any good? No Sir... It was what I could afford and it worked for 3.5 years. I just had the extra money to upgrade so I did as I could. Now I just have a little more peace of mind that I have the right stuff in place. At first this did not matter to much to me but as I grew and managed my pond and my fish started to get larger and larger and better quality and quantity you start to realize all the work you put into your fish you will start to think about your air setup more and more and how to improve it cause the last thing I want is a fish kill cause I got a 15 dollar diffuser instead of a 35 dollar diffuser. Just using that as an example... It will start to weigh on ya.... smile



The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!