I've got two grass carp in my oldest pond that have got to be 15 to 20 years old. One is about 30 inches, the other is in excess of 36 inches. I hadn't seen then in 2-3 seasons, but they have been showing every once in a while at feeding time.

It will be interesting to see what has happened at our beach home. Back in late February I put in four 10 inch grass carp in about a 1/10 acre pond that gets really thick with pond weed. One grass carp died within about 10 days. The pond weed was growing so fast, and I was getting ready to back head north, so I applied Weedtrine-D with a surficant to about 1/3 of the pond. I'll be down there next week to see what the rental season has done to our place and to see what the pond looks like. I really don't dare go in the pond this time of year because of the alligators, which probably ate my grass carp anyway. Because of the alligators, this is kind of a difficult pond to work on.

Big AL (about 7-8 feet long)

Big AL's neice and nephew (about 3-4 feet long)

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