Fish on beds will not ignore the food if thrown on top of them lol... I've done this several times and they will smack it, but they are not going to swim out several feet for anything that's for sure...

Ask yourself peach do you have any beds over by the feeder?? I bet not why? Because the fish on beds don't want to deal with anymore fish than they have to so they get away from the high traffic....

I have moved mine some but not very far, like 10 feet left or right then last year I moved mine out farther. I would say in in about 7 foot of water now. Don't worry the other fish will come back around to it.


P.S. Don't quote me on this but I think I remember n8ly saying you really should have 2 feeders per acre....least I think that's what he said..

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!