He,he.... Ok ok welcome and all that stuff. Chris we are a pretty close nit of folks here. We actually do have a GREAT forum and can help you out for sure, but with that said you may get more answers throwing honey around than vinegar... lol

Either way Welcome and if it were me I would crush feed in a bag and then put it in a cup and throw it out along the shore line where the bigger fish may not go right away. I think if you crush it the bigger fish may also not mess with it as fast and miss a lot of it. That is if you can be there to do this. If you are not there to do this then you may want to mix your food with bigger bites and smaller bites. I do this from time to time my bigger fish don't really mess with the tiny stuff there for it will fall to the bottom or close to it where the smaller fish can get some first.

Good Luck,

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!