I have a question regarding the eating habits of a blue heron. I have a one acre pond where I am an absentee land owner for most of the year. The pond has been stocked with FHM,GSH,RES and YP for 2 years. It was also stocked with HBG about 18 months ago and SMB/HSB last fall. I notice the blue heron at the pond every time I get a chance to go home which is usually holidays. This time over the 4th holiday you couldn't buy a bite at the pond, but when the feeder goes off there is plenty of activity. I fished every evening and morning for 3 days and caught 2 well fed HBG. Is it possible that since my pond is a hybrid/low fecund setup that the crane has simply eat most of my stockers while I am helpless to prevent it? There is bountiful amounts of FHM and GSH is it possible with the feed that the fish are just not hungry? I am confused because my stocking rates where set high with the hopes of a kids fishing pond. Please any help is appreciated

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1 acre pond with YP,HBG,RES,HSB,SMB,GSH,FHM