Let me tell you of an example what happened to my pond. My pond ran around about 3 inches deep over a dam that drops down a foot. It runs down a road until it gets to a creek a 100 yards away. the creek is in brush and shurbs so thick animals can hardly make it through. The first thing i noticed was mousquito fish swimming around the pond. I was amazed how in the world did they get in there. Next spring about early may i looked in the water and it appeared to be fingerling bass. So i went home and got the castnet. I threw it out over the fish. Amazingly it was largemouth bass! Not only did i catch that in my net but i caught shad, silver shinners, white crappie, bluegill, greenies, longears, warmouth, bullheads, and carp. These fish were to large to be stocked over by birds or people during the winter. The only way the fish could have got in is by jumping over the dam or coming over the other side where it ran around about 2 feet wide and 4 inches deep. I couldnt belive this until the next fall when we 16inches of rain. We were driving down the county road and look at the ditch which was a foot by a foot and saw carp up to a pound and gizzard shad up to 9inches long swimming up the thing. This water was coming from the neighbors pond that was running around and they swam up in it. Oh yea forgot to mention that my pond had been dry so long it had mesquite trees growing in it.

Fight'n Texas aggie class of 09!