I had read where Pat had recomended that method a year or two ago and that has been our standard method of cleaning fish since.

We are fortunate that we have a small commercial ice machine for our business in our office next door. So at that ice machine we keep a container of salt. We have a dedicated old ice chest for fish cleaning only. Fill the chest up half way with ice, add a couple tablespoons of salt along with a gallon or two of water (so multiple fish can sink in). Take the chest to the pond and dump in 20-40 BG or several CC that have been waiting patiently in our holding pen, and clean them on our cleaning table on the dock.

I'm not very good at cleaning fish (my wife is MUCH better fortunately). Having them dead and cold makes it a lot easier for me and the wife likes the finished product a lot better using the ice bath.

We try to let them set in the ice at least a half hour and on big CC an hour or more is much better. Too short of time and the fish will not have completely cooled out and be completely dead.

Just the way we do it and it works for us.

Thanks Pat!


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