The other day I noticed a few screws pulling out on my woodduck house I built but left it alone because I knew I had ducks entering in it. Well after the storm blew thru couple days ago my box ended up on the ground and broke open. This was my first experience with wood ducks in any way so didn't know what to expect as I walked up to it. I new they had nested in it and saw the first one fly in almost exactly a month ago. But the nest feathers had been in there awhile. Anyway I had one complete egg that did not hatch but there were at least 8 empty egg "membranes" or something. They were all crushed or deflated for whatever reason. My question is... Were these the remainder of what is left after they hatch or could 8 eggs be soft shelled and didn't mature? In other words after a "good hatch" what should I have found left in the box other than one or two that didn't hatch? Does it sound like some type predator had already gotten to them? I do have a large cone shaped predator guard on the pole.

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.