Isn't it ironic how we strive to get all this stuff only to have to slowly let it go once again. One of my saddest memories is of my grand parents.... They had is all. Big 3 story home, 40 acre farm with a pond hugh garden a cabin on a small lake. We spent many of summers and Christmases at the farm in Wisconsin... And one day we went to visit them in Arizona and all they had was a 1 bedroom apartment house with not much more than a TV and a couple chairs and small dining room....

All of it was gone.... everything they worked for gone... of course their kids got money from it all but to me it was a memory etched in my mind that hit me like a ton of bricks.... I now see my Dad doing the same thing, down sizing getting rid of stuff... have no reason for it anymore... ugh I suppose I will be time flys on this earth...


Last edited by RC51; 06/15/17 03:29 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!