Ok i'll kind of take a shot at this. No expert here but will give you my 2 cents worth anyway.

Cons. Fall stocking come spring time your bass may be big enough already to maybe spawn. Now depending on your goals that could be a pro or a con.

Con your taking 6 months of baby making from all your other fish to help feed your bass if you stock in the fall. And trust me they will eat, eat, eat!!!

Pros. Your bass will be bigger come spring time thats really the only pro I can think of. Wait fun to catch once they are in the pond. That's about it.

But IMO 150 bass is to many, before you know they have a good spawn and BOOM you got all kinds of bass everywhere. I would go with more like 75 to 100. Go more for quality not quantity, but that's just me.


Last edited by RC51; 05/09/17 10:14 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!