This week while tending the water sprinkler for my new grass seeded dam I paid attention to the pond more so than usual and observed the water clarity and color changes(among other things) practically on an hourly basis...

Monday...water seemed to be clearing up as the new muddy water settles out with a slight green tint. I could see the bottom of the pond in about 10 inches of water, better than it has been since renovated.

Tuesday... the pond was ghastly green (espercially towards the afternoon hours), no real muddy color to the green areas because the green was soooo thick. Where the sun was hitting the water, it was a nice solid green color. In the shade it was emerald green. Clarity was reduced from 10 inches to about half that. There was, however, sections of the pond that had muddy water that was not so green as if there are more turtles than I am aware in there stirring up the areas near the bank.

We got over an inch of rain Tuesday night and it appeared muddy again this morning. I will visit the pond today when I get home to check on its condition.

I was a little unnerved on how quickly the color went from what I would call normal pond water to green water that looked unfavorable for swimming. Does this sound like normal pond behavior?

The pond is bout 8 feet at its deepest, mostly shaded except for the mid day hours, and was drained dry and mucked out last October.

Fish on!,