Originally Posted By: BlueCatBrad
Thanks. I need to add a correction also that evidently he stocked it with blues and channels.

Well I can't drain the pond completely without getting a backhoe and busting out the damn. I have a friend with a big seine net that I'm trying to get to come over to clean house for me. Friends of mine have told me to remove all the big cats and remove all the bass, let the bream population rebuild and then add my predatory fish. It's what im leaning towards doing but I hate for this big cats to go to waste. I know it took a while to grow them. But I also know they're probably eating everything in the pond at this point

Brad, no need to breach your dam, or drain it completely. A 4" PVC siphon can be made very inexpensively to lower the water a great deal. Once the fish are concentrated into a much smaller area, you can fish and snag most big fish out. Once you are tired of catching and cleaning fish, spray about 600-800 pounds of Hydrated Lime in the remaining water AND all the pond basin (cats can live in mud). The Hydrated lime will turn the water gin clear, and kill every living thing in it. Let the pond refill, or wait a couple weeks for the pH to get a head start as the pond refills to drop back to normal and add some Fathead Minnow and Bluegill to what remaining water is there.