I have ordered 20lbs of GSH for an existing 2 acre pond to get a forage base rejuvinated. The pond is almost void of vegetation due to over crowding of rusty crawfish. I don't believe I have many LMB left due to an unwanted otter visitor from time to time. I have once caught 7-8lb bass from there. I haven't caught much in a while. There are some BG present, but not all that many and none of any size. 3-5 inches.


The water is coffee brown since I have attempted a dam repair which left the face and surrounding banks bare of vegetation. The repair didnt fix it so any rain fills up to where its pictured only to drain back out down about a foot less than pictured. Any runoff just muddies up the water. Visibility maybe is 6 inches. I am going to re-core the dam this coming summer. I will keep the pond around 10ft deep until it is fixed. It will end up being around 19ft at its deepest point.

My question is should I restock now with a fathead forage base then stock LMB again once repaired? I dont think there is much in there to eat any of my GSH i ordered, but there is no vegetation to help YOY stocking.....yet either. I might be able to switch my order to Fatheads only if I react soon.

Should I use the opportunity to kill all and restock? Rotenone?

I have another .5 acre pond that is about 40 yards from this one. I can use as a holding ground or staging pond. It is a lot greener and looks much more productive, but still lacks the LMB population I want. It does have a decent population of BG that I hand feed.

God has blessed us with this day, what we do with it is up to us.