thanks for all the good info bill. with this cold weather we are having I think I will wait on getting the YP until after the spawn. that way I can control the amount of ribbons in the pond. I will pick up some FHM and the GSH over next weekend or two so I can hand sort them and hopefully he will have some ribbons for me then.

I will plant some new rye grass to some areas of exposed pond basin and hopefully it will get a good start and grow enough while the pond fills. the fall planted grass is at different depths and usually have pretty good clarity for 18-24" unless it rains then it get muddy for couple days. the clay particles seem to settle out pretty quickly.

do you have any suggestions to get any plants going now that are wanted vs. just letting nature starting what it wants?
I will use blue pond dye and aeration so plants should be to a minimum I would think. and with crayfish in there will new plants just be eaten?

sorry for all the questions and thanks for taking time to answer. this forum is amazing. the amount of info you can find in old threads and the archives can be overwhelming to a new pondmeister. I can't wait for the things to come.

.75 acre pond dug in September 2016. YP, HBG, HSB, SMB, and RES.