Entity (can't call them a person right? This leaves out sexual proclivity right?) "X" was doing something (don't want to say what they were doing less we describe X's lifestyle, profession, whatever) and a regulation enforcing group (don't want to say what group less we get folks ginned up at something they already find disdain for) found "X" to be in violation of code "Y". X is now in prison for P years and was forced to pay $Z dollars a day.

Good grief man reporting a story, no matter what the facts are, so long as they are true facts is all I as a consumer of said report care about. I don't need a safe space, I don't need the facts trimmed from any story in fear I could be swayed, I want to be swayed but only with the facts. Most people are just happy to read something in this day and age when we don't get all the opinion BS we seem to lately.

Shall we get to the place nyc is in now? When a bad guy gets called in (yah, I used "guy") they are not allowed to say the bad person's color just in case they prejudice someone listening on the scanner. The color of the person can sure come in hand though when you are LOOKING FOR THEM.

ewest, your report was fine, geesh.

Signed, a rugged individualist.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.