With my petal boat, I was able to check the depth of my pond. It stays about a foot deep till you get out about 15 feet from shore and slowly gets deeper. It ranges about 28 to 30 inches until you get about 40 feet out and then it gets to just over 4' and stays there for about 50 yards and slowly goes back till you get to the other end. There doesn't seem to be any drastic drop offs, but I only went straight down the middle.

I was hoping for a couple more feet, but it is what it is. I was using a tape measure so I couldn't tell how much soft muck was in the bottom, I'll try to check that next.

The good news it's not full and has plenty of room to catch more water. If we got some spring rain, I can see it holding 3-4 more feet easily.

Maiden voyage

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Last edited by farmallsc; 02/21/17 09:13 PM.