Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
You will get a real pond management education when seining an old pond. Old snags and misc junk are net snagers that allow fish to escape the net. A good number of fish are very good at escaping the seine even with good seine methods. Does your seine have a mudline?

It has always been my experience including for my own ponds, that there are NEVER as many fish and amount of quality of fish in a pond as one thinks should be there. Your pond is probably no exception. Keep up updated to your pond progress we always want to learn more about ponds. It is a good idea to keep good records of what comes out so you have a better idea of how much the pond is capable of supporting. My experience is old ponds do not support as many fish as a new or renovated pond. This is because a large amount of the overall productivity is bound or tied up in the organic slop in the pond bottom and unusable fish.

There is nothing in the pond for the net to get hooked on. Zero structure. I have been cast netting just to see what I might grab and have yet to find anything for it to get hooked on in the deepest part of the pond that I could not see when the water was down. I have no idea about the seine net. I have never used one. it will be some friends of mine doing it. It is his net and he's doing it because he wants the big cats for his 15 acre pond.

I'll keep records of what I catch now. The only thing removed so far is that one big cat. I would think this pond could support a little more given it has a constant current flowing through it and also an aerator if I want to run It