Just had to share this one. I went fishing Saturday for about an hour on our old 6 acre lake(pond) and in an hour I caught 6 fish. One went about 2 lbs the other four were healthy 1-1.5 lbs bass and the sixth and last one weighed I'm guessing 10 lbs. No I did not have a scale but i'm going from one I weighed recently that went 7 lbs and this one dwarfed her. I did not have a camera so you will have to believe the fishing story. The point is this lake when we bought 7 years ago had a ton of 10-12 inch bass and through culling them and help from a drought we have been catching good bass for the last couple of years but I wouldn't have guessed we had fish the size of what I caught on Saturday. This lake is actually performing better than our new lake that is 4 years old. I'll give an assist to Bob Lusk for his help. It is incredibly fun to have such an impact.