Hi fellow pond owners and managers, first post. My family and I own a 1 acre pond that we hope to turn into a bass fishing pond. We stocked it 2 years and 10 months ago. We supplement feed the bluegill every day. The bluegill are there for mainly for the purpose of feeding the bass, however I do admit they are fairly fun to catch when the bass aren't biting, and they are also good to eat. There are some huge bluegill in there, like the one in the picture. It is the biggest one we've caught, but there are plenty in that ballpark so to speak. My question is, can a bass eat a bluegill that size? The biggest bass we have is 5 pounds, and if the bass will not eat it, I'd like to take bluegill that size out so to make room for ones the bass will eat. Any help is much appreciated!

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