There is a more thorough write up on posting pictures but I'd love to help you learn the ropes.

1. Under the post box is a button that that says 'switch to full reply screen' You want to post in there when you know that you intend to embed pictures in the post or to attach them as files.

2. Under full reply screen start typing as you normally would and when you are ready to insert a picture there is a little icon above the composing box that if you click will allow to add a media item like a youtube or you can add a picture and embed it in the composing box.

3. if you choose to embed a picture it asks you for a link. The link has to come from a picture hosting site that keeps the link alive for that picture. Most people use a free account through photobucket to 'host' their pictures. But some post via a facebook account though those links tend to change or get blocked by internet filters and then you get a broken link on the forum. THere are probably a few other free imaging hosting services online too.

4. You upload pictures to your free hosting account. On PHotobucket there is a little shortcut link to the right of the pictures that allows you to click on 'direct link' which automatically copies that link to your clipboard. You browse your photo library and grab the 'link' THen you go to the Pondboss page, click the photo icon, paste the address into that box and it will embed the link into your post.

Each time you have to embed the pictures through that process. I always hit 'preview' button to see if the pictures are loading properly.

5. The other way would be to use the 'attach file' option but it takes storage space for the forum and also requires every user to reload the picture over and over when they go to read the post.

Hope that helps.