Turbid water to trout depends on amount or concentration and duration of turbidity. Obviously more suspended silt causes more stress. Talk to the trout supplier. This place in Urbana is pretty knowledgeable about trout.

Question -"where do you source the SFS and BNM? and what do they cost?" They are not a common forage fish for general sport fish ponds. They are very beneficial in CERTAIN fish stocking combinations. I pioneered use of these minnows in ponds. Adding them to a pond with bass or HAB is IMO a waste of money because the predation pressure is too great. The maximum size of SFS is 5" and BNM 4.3". Both are fast swimmers compared to fatheads. They perform best in YP dominated ponds with no or a select few non-reproducing predators.
The main problem is no one sells them in quantity due to low demand. The two main suppliers charge high dollar for them. If you really want them the best way to get them is to catch them locally in streams or have a FAT wallet. Sourcing locally you have to be able to recognize the species which 99% of people cannot do, including anglers. Stocking only several breeders will need a year of low predation pressure for the population/s to develop abundance.

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management