I have a full size conventional Kenworth hood sitting out behind a shed. Been there a couple years now but I refused to let the guys in the shop get rid of it after we put a new one on the truck. I just knew it would make good fish habitat some day.

Now that the RES pond is built I plan to make a RES refuge out of it. I figure sitting the hood in its original position will provide a shade area about 3 ft deep under the hood. RES like shade. Will probably attach some concrete blocks and some woden pallets under/around it also and have a bunch of plasxtic 2 liter bottle shipping crates to attach around the outside for more surface area.

I'll let my imagination be my guide when I get started on in next spring. So that along with some other cover and getting the pond limed and stocked with FHM and RES. That is what is lined up for 2017 so far.


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