I have been tilting at this same windmill since last summer. I did (again) call my local fisheries Biologist for the Iowa DNR, Paul Sleeper, on Nov 29th. I didn't reach him (again) but did have a nice long chat with one of his assistants. We reviewed the whole tilapia issue in Iowa (as nicely outlined above). I also volunteered my pond as a 'test site' for tilapia use on FA control in Iowa. My pond's outflow is to grass strip between two huge fields and runs for almost two miles before (potentially) running off into a small creek. Set aside the fact it was -1 degrees Fahrenheit last night and my pond has 4 inches of ice on it already! BUT, I will also shoot an email to Alan Johnson as noted above. And I will add my name to the list of tilapia 'wanting' folk from Iowa...

"Politics": derived from 'poly' meaning many, and 'tics' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.