Boy Ed, I tell you I really wanted to do what you are doing BADLY! I had the equipment pick out and everything!! Could only see the good side and how much I would save and how I could have this lake done, and have all this wonderfull equipment left over.
But now looking back? boy I was wrong! that stuff is very expensive to fix. I promise, you will have break downs. I am now looking at all the work my lake contractor is doing, and all the break downs he constantly has. Boy am I glad I did not sign up to do this. Also, if you do not have a break down, you want realize the amount of man power needed to do the work. Your constantly moveing stuff with the dozer, or tract hoe, that you would never think of. Like always clearing pathways and roads for the dump truck with the dozer. It is constantly situations that come up where you need 3 to 4 people.

I tell you this has been one heck of an experiance just being out ther every other day and watching what goes on.

Well it also could be that I am building a 9 acre lake as well. That could have a lot to do with it. Maybe on a 4 acre pond or something it would be alot eaiser..who knows.