I love you guys!
I wondered how Evander Holyfield felt when Mike Tyson bit off his ear.
Last week, President Bush was in Australia addressing parliament. One assemblyman leapt to her feet and interrupted the president to heckle and bash his stance on the war.
Bush’s comment? “I love free speech.”
We deeply appreciate your thoughts, all of them.
Expect to see me frequent the website...especially since the pond management season recently shifted into a slower gear.
It’s been a banner year in the pond management business. Best one ever.
Here’s some news.
The Pond Boss Board of Directors, about a month ago, appointed me to be the new editor of the magazine.
Mark McDonald has taken a full time job as editor of a well funded start-up outdoor magazine.
New things are on the horizon.
Mark built a wonderful magazine.
Now, it’s time to go to another level.
The editorial calendar, each issue will include the following...
Cover Story
Know your Pond Life
Ask the Pond Boss
Customers always write
On Northern Pond
Managing the mini-pond
Field notes
Featured product
Pushing the Envelope by Norman Latona
Down to Earth by Mike Otto
Beyond the Shoreline by Sherman Wyman.
Over the next few weeks I will be working feverishly to land other writers, especially in the upper midwest and northern sections of the country. Subscriptions north of the Mason-Dixon Line have increased dramatically over the last few months, so we will cater to that audience.
I want your story ideas. Offer an idea, and be prepared to hear my response. We want writers, and we want to improve the magazine.
As everyone knows, we charge no fee for people to participate in our forum. That’s by design, and we intend to keep the forum free.
The only real problem we have had with the forum are those handfuls of people who have actively solicited business for themselves, while our paying advertisers work the magazine. Our plans are to keep the forum for information, not to help a non-paying soul make a living at our expense.
Do we want more subscribers to the magazine? Yes.
Is the website a tool to increase subscriber numbers? We hope so.
In regard to this thread, several people asked me to respond. It reminds me of a story.
I remember a Super Bowl game once, where the Dallas Cowboys had momentum. In the waning minutes, the Cowboys threw for the end zone. Dallas’ receiver was knocked away, obviously interference. No call.
That “no call” energized the opponents, Pittsburgh as I recall, who took momentum and charged on to win.
After the game, Coach Tom Landry was asked by a reporter, “What did you think of the pass interference in the end zone?” Stoic as always, Coach Landry replied, “The official’s call will stand on its own merit.”
So do all the comments.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...