Thanks everyone, all credit going to all things (and people) PB!

TDK, I believe the first one is a Northern Bluegill, the second appears to have some HBG traits but that's just a WAG on my part.

Peachgrower, thanks! and Brielle gets the credit, I just assisted smile . At just under 3 She knows "Bluegill", "Crappie" and "Bass". She is unbelievably smart! All the kids who have fished the pond have taken an interest in knowing, then love to name what they've caught. Such a pleasure, especially watching them go from not wanting to touch the fish, to eventually baiting their own hook and removing their own hook (some still needing the "fish towel").

PS to CMM - Cim, although my son was in the delivery room when Brielle was born, he's not her father, but has been her "daddy" for nearly 3 years, up until his gf broke things off and she won't let us see that little princess. There was nothing but a glow about her when she came out to the farm and I know she loves her "Grandpa Keith". I love her and miss her SO badly, but I also know, not as much as my son.

Love and cherish those babies every minute and every chance you can!

Keith - Still Lovin Livin
(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES