Caught a few GSF today, clipped fins...also got what I'm thinking is one of our BG we stocked on July 8th. They were 2-3" when stocked. Let me know if I'm right...I'm thinking GSF top....BG bottom. I'm not for sure how to figure relative weight or anything...It is for sure bigger than they were two months ago. Although the GSF are the ones that are really plumping up. Caught them both in the places I thought they would be. Going to back off my feed around the ring and concentrate around where the BG are...going to keep feeding the GSF...just not as heavily. They'll probably move...but maybe not. lol. Not great pics...but my lovely wife was very patient as I tried to keep these two still so I could post pics...ran them back down to the pond in a bucket to fight another day. Am I thinking right on what they are?? How is the size of the BG for being stocked two months ago at 2-3". Been on optimal BG for about a month and half now.

Thanks guys!

