Originally Posted By: ABC
Well, I'm actually looking into expanding the pond to about 2 acres with a depth of about 20 feet deepest. This would allow me to stock threadfins, really boosting my chance at trophy largemouth.

Personally I would consider a second 1 acre pond instead of enlarging your current 1 acre pond. Two ponds, double the fun. Fish one, leave the other be. Rotate them like field crops. Keep them from getting hook shy maybe.

But also, we've an acre pond and I went the route of a lot of CNBG as the forage, with supplemental feedings of trout during the Winter months and shiners here and there in Spring and Autumn. Our LMB have RW of 110% up to 135%. There is a lot of right-sized forage for them to dine on. You could consider that approach instead of threadfin. Or yellow perch.