Sweet. We now know the grass growing in the pond. Thank you!!!

I will try to get some accurate measurements soon. I just know the depth of 7 feet and that stuff grows up from there. It lines most of our pond and thrives in the more shallow areas of less than 3' of water. The fish love it - especially the perch and CNBG. Dragon and damsel fly larvae all find it suitable for living on.

The plants in the water fully submerged - I've never seen these spikey balls on. Only on the plants in the very shallow or no above ground water areas.

For anyone considering planting it here are my observations the past 5 years:
- insects and fish love it
- it grows quickly in sunlight
- it grows thick to the point in the shallower areas it could "choke out" and become so thick it is difficult to fish in
- fishing hooks love it and snag it every opportunity
- it is easily removed by pulling on it, at the base will bring the roots super easy and even if you grab it near or at the top often you will get the roots as well

What I do now in the Spring is I go and clear out paths by walking around or kayaking and pulling out targeted plants. I essentially create water lanes and therein fishing lanes. I do see some new growth but the lanes stay clear for most of the year and then I repeat the process next Spring.