Originally Posted By: snrub
That sounds like a plan to me John. Funny in my pond it is the opposite. The CC are lucky to get any and if they show up to the party late, they don't.


That may have to do with a couple of things though. First we have fished out a LOT of our CC. Have been trying to fish them out of the pond (already catching several 5-6" fingerlings so we have had CC reproduction) but since hot weather they are not biting like they were earlier in the year.

I have about 70 CC in my 1/4 acre pond, including three albino brooders between two and three pounds, and one other albino maybe 1-1/4 pounds. The rest of the regular and albino catfish are 12" and smaller. I think the BG may be scared of the larger albinos. I plan to catch a bunch of the regular CC out this fall if they get big enough to eat. I am feeding about 24 ounces of food now twice a day, and don't want to spoil the water by feeding too much in this hot weather.

Since you got the big inflow of rain water, your fish may be getting a lot more natural food, with all the wash in of insects and worms, plus food in the grass that was covered. My CC don't seem to eat as well for a day after a good rain.