I think I'm on my third bag feeding AM MVP. Here is a link to a thread where I took pictures of it.

Aquamax MVP

I see I did not answer Brian's question in that thread. No Brian there are no pellets in MVP as small as AM400. The smallest are about half way between AM400 and AM500. It is really quite surprising to me that there is such a great size difference between AM400 and AM500. But I would assume the idea is that fish grow so fast that they have no problem transitioning from 400 to the larger 500. I know 2# CC will hoover up the tiny AM400 if they get in close enough to shore where I feed it. They seem to love the stuff even though I try to keep them from it (kind of expensive feed for CC).

But as far as my experience with it, the fish eat it great. Of course they also ate AM500-600 mix great, they ate Optimal great, they ate the Cargill and Purena multi sized Sportfish feed great, they even eat various 32% floating and sinking catfish food great. In short, my fish do not seem to be picky eaters. But I have to believe the higher end feeds like Aquamax or Optimal are better for them and they likely gain better so I feed it. But my fish do not seem to complain unless I show up at the pond without feed. Then they sit close to the bank in shallow water and glare at me.

I'm a little concerned they are so hungry. I'm afraid maybe my forage base is getting ahead of my LMB and the LMB are not keeping up. My goal is a panfish pond so I should have plenty of hungry panfish size bass. But I do not seem to have that. I seem to have fewer, very well fed, larger LMB that do not like to be caught very easily, with low reproduction and few if any YOY. Meanwhile there are a gazillion BG that I have been trying to thin out the 6-8" size by making them table fare. But maybe I am just impatient and not giving my LMB the benefit of the doubt of their ability to spawn profusely and populate the pond. So I wait and observe. But I digress.

So to answer your question, my fish like the MVP and I will likely feed it from now on instead of a mix of AM500-600. It is very convenient to have the multiple sizes of feed in one bag.

Last edited by snrub; 07/14/16 01:47 PM.


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