Hey pondboss pals,
I was released from the asylum yesterday just before noon. I feel certain that I felt every crack in the pavement on the drive home from Lufkin to Humble. So glad and grateful to be released from my 3 weeks of "organized hell"...Also, grateful to be alive...I understand that when things started heading south, they headed pretty quick. I knew something was up when 1/2 my family from Louisiana was in ICU when I woke up on Tuesday. Thanks, to all who offered up prayers for me. It was touch and go for a while...I was told. I received the sacrament of "the anointing of the sick" (last rites) and having coming through that ordeal, am very humbled by that experience....thanks, to my dear wife for thinking on her feet. Thanks, to ewest and Dr Luke who sent cards...another very humbling experience while in the hospital. RC51, I appreciate your encouraging words as well as texts from Bill D. And Pat W. May the Power of the Ever Powerful One be with you all.
stickem '

...when in doubt...set the hook...