Nice pictures, Tuzz. Bob, what is the address of your website. The dock's got me interested.

Getting a little perturbed (gotta maintain my perspective, though). Slow going, with the lack of machinery right now. Bob keeps pushing dirt til dark every night, but I can't help feeling he'd be way ahead to just take a few days and get his tractor trailer fixed and get the scraper moved down here.

He's supposed to be moving the tiling machine in today to do the overflow and the water hydrant. Worst part is I've gotta be in Texas all next week, so if he doesn't get done by Sunday, I won't be around to watch or answer questions. Keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't start raining (finally) and just keep on raining....

In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...