Mr. Duffie, Im not sure about % of weed biomass and open water to make a good judgement on floridone treatment and likleyhood of fish kill.The pond is 2.3 or 2.5 ac big dam area 20ft deep I guess av. depth 8ft. The sago is solid around banks out 6 to 10 ft toped with moss alge and primrose. The primrose is dead or dieing and Ive been spot treating moss weakly.Some of the sago may be dieing if the diquat is geting to it. I cant tell from looks because its not falling, been 2 weeks now. When I said 6 to 10 ft out from banks and guess 4 to 6 ft deep on in solid. Id guess 15 to 20% surface is covered not sure about that. Should I wait till spring ? How much floridone do I need to treat with?
And what procedure?