
First don't panic. We've all lost fish.

My guess is that you are experiencing what Shorty described above. Yes, aeration can help that problem.

Something that is good for many emergencies, and many other uses, is a semi-trash pump. I have a 2" pump with lots of 2-inch hose (maybe $250-300). I've got lot of garden hose and a number 75-125 foot directional/rotational sprinklers that mount on tripods.

I've only used my pump and sprinklers a few times over a number of years around my most vulnerable pond when I thought I was having problem with low Dissolved Oxygen due to a from a heavy rainstorm or other major temperature change. For more information, see Fish Kills and Pond Turnover

As trash pump/semi-trash-pump can certainly add emergency oxygen to a pond. It can also water your garden and lawn problems. It can be a lifesaver while waiting for the fire department to arrive if you have major fire.

Good luck,

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