For me smile
Got a visit from my Granddaughter who loves to fish with Grandpa and not quite at 3 years old has no problem handling worms and loves to touch each fish, but we need to quickly release them back to their family grin

My biggest so far was .92 lb caught the other day and I was just hoping to land one over a pound. And tonight, topped it, plus some with this 1.63 lb'r right at 10".

What a thrill!

BTW, it was on the dock because of flopping out of my hand and yes, I wish I had a better scale for the BG.

Very exciting none the less!

Last edited by Lovnlivin; 06/07/16 05:29 AM.

Keith - Still Lovin Livin
(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES