Hey guys...just experienced a fish kill in my pond. This pond is not the greatest pond for sure..but I stocked it 3 years ago with BG and Bass...and 7 grass carp. I have 2 aeration heads in a shallow muck bottom pond, which was weed chocked when I started with it. Specifically coon weed and duckweed. Naturally the carp never ate the duck weed. So I ended up using Sonar...which as you know kills everything..with the grass carp in the pond no weeds ever grew back...I finally threw brush piles in for small fish cover. There was many bullhead and frogs in the pond..in fact when you looked in the water all you saw was tadpoles on every stick. This pond probably is average 3feet deep..deepest spot 5 foot maybe. The pond is in a heavily wood area and it makes me sick to see the leaves and pollen that get dumped into this pond. I have been trying to get the grass carp out anyway. But something happened this weekend all the carp died and maybe 100-200 LM and BG...mostly BG. Any ideas as too what might have happened? I have a lot of FA algae in the pond now BTW.

Here's a quarter, go downtown and have a rat knawl that thing off your forehead