Tracy, I was just getting ready to post the below when I saw your question, and as far as mixing the alum and lime Rex said it would basically turn into a plaster of paris. And IIRC and I hope Rex will correct me, the alum is more effective with an adequate PH at 7.2. So if adding alum to an already low PH, it may not be as effective. There's also the issue of drastic PH changes when adding it and to leave "lanes" when applying the lime so the fish can escape to a normal PH if needed.

Shorty, how long has your bucket been sitting on the dock?

My secchi disk this morning showed 4" so I too think I'm slowly clearing but it's been nearly 3 weeks?

And I'm too afraid to shut down the aeration system although, I'd like to because it's been so calm lately (my pond right now is covered in cotton).

I filled the 5 gallon bucket again last night adding only 1/2 tsp alum and it cleared as quickly as 1/2 Tbsp. I'm guessing an 1/8th tsp would do the same.

Seems to me a pretty minute amount making me wonder if an alum treatment is necessary. I filled the 5 gallon bucket again this morning without alum so I'll see how long it takes. But I'd sure like to see a bloom starting!

On a good note, the fish are feeding well.

So, just a waiting game???

On my test strip this morning it shows the following:
PH 6.8
Alkalinity 40
Hardness 150
Nitrite .5
Nitrate 20

Last edited by Lovnlivin; 06/01/16 07:28 AM.

Keith - Still Lovin Livin
(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES