They want to herbicide an entire side of my pond. It's a triangle along a 4 lane highway and they want to herbicide the longest side. I want the trees. I have bats, pheasants, song birds and other birds that will be affected by the herbicide. I'm on the prairie of Illinois, I have zero wind or shade protection without those trees. I need them for ice fishing and shade. We have reported cases of West Nile virus and now Zika. I don't like mosquito bites! I cannot remember EVER driving down the interstate in Illinois and seeing tall trees growing up out of the pond like mine are. Maybe I'm wrong? I have no problem with them trimming them when they get that tall, if they ever get that tall. I think the cattails and reeds that surround the pond out compete the trees because they haven't hardly grown over the last 10 years. Does that make sense?