Hey Cicero,

You are getting a lot of good advise here. Information overload....lol

Let me say this quick. I have a 1 acre pond my pond was not new when I bought it, it had a lot of small 13 inch stunted bass I took them out as I could, but I still stocked my pond with CNBG and RES, I like you had no other choice but to buy the 2 inch CNBG. I bought 250 of them then and 75 RES. They were all in the 2 inch range. I wasn't sure how many would make it but some will find a way. It only takes a few to start having babies and your off and running. Remember a lot of good habitat can help those small fish live too. Places to hide sure can help. Just keep that in mind. I did however that fall stock 75 4to6 inch CNBG I got from a hatchery here. I got lucky on those. Seems down here anyway best time to get bigger fish is in February.

Im not gonna say this is good or bad... but if you know a good place you can possibly catch some bigger BG, well do what you got to do is all I'm saying.... You read between the lines. Sometimes if you have no other choice you do what you got to do as long as it's legal... lol.

IMO RES are essential to a pond and keeping it clean... They break the parasite chain that can easily happen without them....

Good Luck man,


Last edited by RC51; 05/16/16 08:55 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!