Originally Posted By: Turtlemtn
Since late last fall, I haven't been able to find any RES larger than a couple inches, so those are what I stocked. In my case, I'm probably just feeding LMB. In your case, I'd get the largest I could find in the area. If you're dissatisfied with the supplier you used, I'd look for someone else. And I'd stock sooner rather than later. The fish will probably grow faster in your pond than in the supplier's. The same with the FHM or anything else. If you can find something better in the fall, you can add more. As the LMB get bigger, you'll get less bang from your buck stocking forage fish.

I stocked about 600 BG. The preferred ratio would be 20% RES, 80% BG. I would stock RES right now, but the only two local suppliers I know are out. The local dealer I dealt with this time was the only guy within an hour. The other guy promised me RES for about two weeks and when it came time to order, he only then decided to talk to his supplier... Who was out. Apparently, it seems like they're dealing with a supplier or suppliers multiple hours away, towards South Georgia.

150 would be the perfect number of RES to complement the 600 BG, but I won't be able to get them until the Fall. Since the LMB were stocked at 1", I'm pretty sure that after four months in the pond, the LMB will be 0.25 to 0.5 pounds AT THE MOST. If I can get BIG RES, I will stock about 150 to 200. If I can't get any bigger than 2", I may stock 250 to make up for attrition from predators and from winter fish kills.