Originally Posted By: Bocomo
Can you upload some pictures of your LMB? I would like to see their body condition.

Also lengths AND weights for a few LMB will help decide how to manage the population.

Hi Bocomo, here we go.
Thank you for your interest.
The following pics are of LMB catched today near the fingerlings (so I suppose they are males?). They don't seem stunted to me for now.
They are all between 15-17" and 2.5-3.3 lb.
I've also seen others of the same size, someone bigger, thousands 1" fingerlings, dozens of 4" and 8" size.
The biggest I've caught last year was 19.5" and 4.4 lb.
Keep in mind these are italian LMB, they will never grow like US LMB. In Italy the record is 9 lb but there are less than 10 in all the state. Big ones here are in the 5.5-6.6 lb range.
