Originally Posted By: canyoncreek
I can't help you with ID of fish from Italy. I found this webpage that has several minnow species on it. perhaps if you selected the fish you already can recognize by sight and cross those off the list, then using google image search to check on a visual match for the others you can identify it?

The eurasian minnow for example is something most readers of this forum will not have much experience with.

The body form of your fish looks more like the streamlined shape of a shiner, dace, or chub. We have a fish called the Lake Chubsucker that has a body like this but the mouth is a bit different.

Perhaps you could submit the picture to a fish biologist in your region or to a biology or natural resource management professor at a local university that trains biology students or fishery management students? Tell them there is extra credit or a case of beer for the winner...

try this:

fish of italy...

CC thank you for your reply.
I will try to indentify the minnow lurking online first, then asking some expert if I can't find it by myself.
I've already found, using google with lake chubsucker, that my minnow looks really like the one you told me and that it's a cyprinidae.
And the search goes on....

Last edited by ItalyBASS; 02/02/17 03:40 PM.
