bronco....not sure about Mizzou laws and your exact plans as far as size of pond, etc...but if this pond is going to be your "baby" that you give lots of time, effort, money, and TLC to I am not sure you should build a pond in something that floods every few years.

I guess if you are getting a hell of flood plain land is usually way below market price...and your are willing to deal with the problems every few years then it may be ok.

I know a guy that is buying major flood plain land along a river...he is getting it dirt cheap....and says it will be a great property to use as a place to take the kids out on ATV rides, fishing, and camping on weekends, so it certain instances flood plain can work. As a matter of fact the lower end of my property, about 25% of property, is in some kind of flood plain along a creek, but my ponds and cabins are not in the flood plain.

Fishing has never been about the fish....