Originally Posted By: ItalyBASS
Good work RC!
Thank you

Thanks BASS I also have included some links to the thread for some good reading. My first system the " RC51 DIY system" was as much as I could spend at the time and it worked great for me for about 4 years. My original air pump finally gave out it wasn't the best pump mind you that's for sure but it got me going and did a decent job. As I stated above if you can I would get a GAST or a Thomas pump instead of the Eco 7. They are much stronger pumps and don't have to work so hard to get the job done and will last you a lot longer if you take care of them. But if you have to give the Eco 7 a shot if your in that 8 to 9 foot of water it just may very well surprise you! smile


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!