Originally Posted By: canyoncreek
Listen to TJ!!!!

Actually if TJ is right and you have a fair amount of LMB then that makes perfect sense what TJ said. I was kind of hoping that you didn't have so many LMB (you said you only ever caught 1) and that you would have a chance through angling of gradually lowering LMB numbers and slowly transitioning over to a different apex predator. Maybe the LMB are too far ahead of the game for that to work.

Any way of knowing how many LMB are truly there and of what sizes?

I have a long post below to TJ, but as I noted, I really DON'T know my LMB population stats very well, and that's not good. While I did spend some dedicated time bass fishing, I could easily just be a poor bass fisherman vs low bass numbers. Seining or electrofishing would probably be the correct route to get some solid data on that. It does seem to make the most sense, regarding not having a stunted BCP population, having LMB as the apex predator. Perhaps they (the LMB) are mopping up so many BCP YOY and any others they can fit in their gape, that they don't lend to being caught easily on hook and line? No need for more aggressive feeding if you're belly is full?

"Politics": derived from 'poly' meaning many, and 'tics' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.