Welcome aboard AR!
You are right, I don't recall too many threads about a crappie only pond. I don't recall any difference being discussed between the downsides of crappie (whether they be white or black) It seems the same management problems exist for both.

I think it is a interesting idea to have a crappie only pond but several acres of water with only crappie and forage may make it impossible to control numbers and prevent stunting. If the only predator is your family and their fishing poles then you literally would have to be able to reliably catch THOUSANDS of crappie every year to keep up.

You will have to have a predator to the crappie. To help with control, and because you are a skilled angler, you may want to consider using an unusual predator such as pike, muskie, pickerel etc. A LMB/Crappie only pond also brings with it its own management puzzles.

The YP will also have their own management issues without any predators, but I must say it is giving me new food for thought to try to imagine hungry (starving!) crappie and year old YP all filling up on each other's young fish and then trying to figure out which line of young fish will win in that fight. Both YP and crappie can really reproduce, but I'm not sure which would win out..

Some more experts will be along soon to help you with your ideas.

Now, a trophy fishery with MALE or FEMALE ONLY crappie and forage would be quite a cool undertaking.

Since you are in the planning stages, many people are now building 2 or 3 smaller ponds while they plan for the 1 larger pond. The smaller ponds can be grow out ponds for separate species, can also help with keeping males from females, and can also be a forage growout pond.

Also before digging a 4-10 acre pond you need a top notch dirt scientist and pond builder to make sure your pond and dam won't have to be revised or redone. The price can get outrageous on redo pond projects!!