Thanks for the replies. I'm starting to think my estimations were too high. I wanted go with high estimates to be safe. Maybe I went overboard. Let me back up and clarify a bit.

Channel width: Originally estimated as ten feet. That's the maximum width. The average width is closer to six or seven feet.

Channel depth: Originally estimated as three feet. Again, that's the maximum. Average depth is probably a little under two feet.

Flow speed: Originally estimated as 5-7mph based on walking beside the flow and being outpaced by the water. That was in one of the steeper slope areas with narrower channel. The flow is certainly slower in the wider and deeper sections. Also the terrain is rough, so I was likely over estimating the speed of my walk and thus the flow speed. Perhaps 3mph would be more realistic.

Flow duration: Originally estimated as two hours at full flow then tapering off to nothing within 24 hours. High flow is typically closer to one hour and dropping about 20% an hour. Down to a few inches in width and depth within five hours and nothing within 24 hours.

So, perhaps I should revise the parameters to the following:
Width: 6.5'
Depth: 1.75'
Flow speed: 3mph
Flow duration: 100% 1st hour, 80% 2nd hour, 60% 3rd hour, 40% 4th hour, 20% 5th hour, 5% or less for 15 hours.

I'll try to calculate some estimates based on the above and report back later.

Last edited by Daryl200; 04/10/16 09:59 PM.