I get your drift on the edges being a little too steep. I was at work when the dozer guy was working the edges and I told him to leave about 6 feet flat and then start the berm but when I got home he was already loaded up and didn't feel like asking him to redo it at the time. I have 2 kids and they are always out walking around it and riding four wheelers and dirt bikes but I told them they cant ride on the berm or next to the pond. I may redo it my self one of these days with my tractor. Right now the pond is as high as its ever been so time will tell how to does. Ideally I would like to keep it about 6-8" lower than what it is right now. If you can see my overflow green sewer pipe on the side of the pond, that goes to my drainage ditch about 30 feet away, the problem was I couldn't install the pipe any lower because it wouldn't drain correctly, the water from the ditch would actually drain into the pond. As soon as I kinda figure out the where the water level will end up im going to put a dock in, more like a deck dock I guess, like a 8x8, but still wondering if I should do like a floating dock or permanent, guess that's a whole nother subject.